Upon completion of the Fundamentals of Interior Design Program, students are awarded a Certificate in Fundamentals of Interior Design. Throughout this program, students cultivate a competitive portfolio and acquire an extensive knowledge base, empowering them for employment in the Interior Design industry. The program encompasses the comprehensive design and presentation of two residential spaces, culminating in the final project of an entire home. Additionally, various client-specific and concept-based activities are seamlessly integrated to reinforce learning and presentation skills.
This program places equal emphasis on core design knowledge, design expression, and business practices, collectively equipping students to emerge as successful industry professionals. Weekly field visits are a key component, providing students with direct connections to the people, places, and processes within the local industry. Additionally, students are visited in class by guest speakers who are recognized professionals in the industry, enhancing the classroom and learning experience.
A general overview of program topics is outlined below (subject to change), and a detailed syllabus is provided upon enrollment. Notably, this program serves as the initial course and a prerequisite to our Master’s Certificate Program. Heritage School of Interior Design is licensed through the State of Texas Department of Education.
Estimated materials cost: $415 (not including laptop)
Winter 2025
Day: Tuesday – Thursday
Time: 9:00am – 4:00pm
Date: January 7 – April 3 (No class Mar. 17 – 21)
Spring 2025
Day: Tuesday – Thursday
Time: 9:00am – 4:00pm
Date: April 8 – June 26
Click the image below to view the complete Final Project Example: