I grew up in the suburbs of the Twin Cities in Minnesota. After graduating high school, I studied psychology at Lewis and Clark College here in Portland, OR and spent a year abroad in Munich, Germany. I always knew I wanted to help people in some form or another, but after graduating college with a degree in psychology, I did not see myself going to graduate school to pursue a traditional career in counseling. I wanted to connect with people in a way that felt more authentic to me, and if I was able to utilize my creative side in doing so, even better! That’s when I realized that I could pursue a career in interior design, because what’s more personal than the spaces we live in and how they affect us?
For someone who had spent 17 consecutive years in a traditional school setting, Heritage was the perfect program for me. I learned all of the fundamental skills an interior designer needs to pursue a career in the field and gained enough of an understanding of the different sectors of interior design to know what areas I could supplement through real life experience or additional classes I may take in the future. Heritage provided such an incredible network of interior designers, stagers, artists, showrooms, etc. in Portland that have been invaluable to me.
My business, Cultivated Space, provides mindful interior design services that are rooted in spiritual wellness and a holistic lifestyle. I do everything an interior designer does – space planning, furniture and fabric selections, accessorizing, but I do it with a focus on the energetic vibration that you are wanting to feel in your home. You know that feeling when you come across a place or an individual and you just feel something magical…that good energy, radiating out, positively affecting everyone and everything in its field. This energy is available to each and every one of us at any given time; figuring out how to harness it is the tricky part. Cultivated Space is all about living a life that you’re excited about, and I believe that your home is a great place to start. It is, after all, where you go at the end of each and every day to process, reflect, and reset. My scope of services starts as small as a 90 minute consultation and goes as big as a full home design project! I am also open to styling for events as well as designing for retail spaces.