Amanda Sienkiewicz, a current Denver student, loved all things art while growing up. She was constantly drawing in her free time, signing up for after school art classes, and even taking AP art classes in high school. It was not just art that stole Amanda’s heart. Her love for Interior Design was also something she explored from the time she was young. Her constant drawing included creating furniture and floor plans. She used to rearrange her bedroom furniture frequently. It was not long before she graduated to moving the furniture and rearranging the living room, kitchen, and playroom of her childhood home.
Once Amanda began college at CU Boulder, she began pursuing her degree in Communications and after graduation, quickly got a job in the marketing department of Crocs, inc. She worked there for four years but wasn’t passionate about her day to day tasks. Although she was thriving in her current position, she knew that she was not using her creative brain as much as she needed to to be truly happy.
Amanda was in a severe car accident in 2018 that fractured her spine. It was during this time that her life was put on hold. The time she spent healing and in recovery gave her the clarity to decide that once she returned to work, she would not be returning to the Marketing world. Amanda spent time traveling and reflecting on what was important to her in life, what she was passionate about, and where she wanted to go next. During her travels, she realized whatever career she pursued, it needed to be one that would allow her to get her creative juices flowing. She knew this was the perfect time to move forward into an industry in which she always had interest – Interior Design.

Amanda hit the ground running at Heritage. She has put her entire heart into every assignment she has completed and presentation she has given. “Heritage has felt like a dream so far. I am completely in my element and enjoying being fully immersed in design. Every day, I’m overwhelmed by the possibilities I might encounter while working in the field (in a good way!),” says Amanda. She is overwhelmed with excitement every morning while she gets ready for classes and has been energized by the staff’s and instructor’s contagious love for Interior Design. Amanda appreciates that her instructors are always available to answer questions and constantly make themselves available to chat about assignments and the industry! Every day she is inspired to learn more and is enjoying feeling like a sponge, ready to soak everything up.
After graduating from Heritage, Amanda would love to work with a residential interior designer, supporting them in any way she can. Her goal is to learn what it takes to own her own business so she can jumpstart an interior design company in the future. She is motivated and excited about all of the possibilities!